sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

we're all only one

"(...) and they fonction as parasites on this planet. And the great majority of people are becoming parasites. Not that they want to be parasites, they really want to be loved. But there's no other way. Everybody's the same, so we need now people to be different, to believe in themselves and express the love and be happy and unite with everybody. And that is the final awakening. Another question is: who is awakening on this planet? The young people... they are already there. They already know the system is something very bad and there's something very wrong with the system and they're trying to get away from it. But one day, they have to pay the bills. And they have to be part of that system and then become equally as greedy and as negative as the rest of mankind. Or they are 90% of the day negative and 10% nice. Sort of... maybe one hour before they go to bed.
But that's not good enough.
What is good enough is that we are all the time alert and stimulating one another to do the right thing. Not by judging, but by showing the way.

And you can be, simply showing the way.
And now we are here living the lessons of integration. We need to learn to create a situation where the negative situations and the positive situations unite. Not the positive in preference of the negative, no. Because you create separation that way. You have to unite them."